All posts in Misc. Cruises

Is Upgrading Your Cruise Cabin Worth It?

Upgrading your cruise cabin is a difficult decision to make. Is it worth the extra money to have nicer accommodations? Well, it really depends on your personal preferences. Some travelers may find that the most basic cabins are fine for them. Others can't stand them. Cabins can get pretty expensive depending on what kind you go for, so it's important to understand what you're getting into before upgrading. Read more [...]

What Are Adventure Cruises?

Adventure cruises are quickly growing in popularity. But most casual cruise travelers still don't know what exactly they are. The name certainly conjures up some exciting images: crashing waves, towering glaciers, maybe someone really rugged climbing up a jagged mountain by the seashore. But adventure cruises can be a lot of different things, and you don't need to be the next Ernest Shackleton to enjoy them. You just need to be willing to get a bit off the beaten path. Read more [...]

What the Cruise Industry Can Do to Help the Environment

The cruise industry and the environment have a tenuous relationship. Many argue that cruise ships harm the natural world. Indeed, cruise critics point towards the industry's environmental impact as one of its biggest detractors. A study published as recently as September 2021 found that the cruise industry needed further monitoring and regulations to prevent negative impacts. Additionally, it came to the conclusion that the industry was "a major source of environmental pollution and degradation, with air, water, soil, fragile habitats and areas and wildlife affected." Read more [...]

The Best Cruise Destinations for Surfers

Cruises are a great way to access some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Many of these beaches are perfect for surfers! While most cruise travelers are just there for some relaxation in the sun, there's nothing wrong with wanting to hop on a surfboard and catch some waves. Many cruise lines travel to beaches that are absolutely perfect for surfing. Surfers should choose their destinations wisely, though, as not every itinerary heads to areas known for impressive swell. Read more [...]

Suffer From Seasickness? Here’s Why

Feeling seasick can turn a cruise from a fun vacation to a painful nightmare in just a few minutes. And here's the thing: there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason as to why some people suffer from it while others don't. Some people who get sick in cars won't feel a thing on boats while others who have never been motion sick before will succumb to the motion of the ocean. Read more [...]

Here’s Why You Should Choose a Small Cruise Ship

It seems like cruise ships are only getting bigger and bigger. Are small cruises still relevant these days? If you ask the typical cruise traveler, you might think that small cruises are no longer popular. But that's just because the mainstream cruise lines - the ones that we are all familiar with - are operating on a "bigger is better" policy. Read more [...]
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