All posts tagged craft beer cruises

Costco cruises

Costco Craft Beer Cruises

Over the past decade or so, the craft beer scene has exploded, to the point that entire vacations are now oriented toward craft beer. (We suppose beer has been a major component of vacations far before microbrews came into vogue, but in these simpler times, alcoholically speaking, beer served a more incidental role - it was a constant companion, perhaps, but not necessarily the object of your energy and thought.) These craft beer vacations take many forms, including craft beers cruises, one of which has been (and may again be) operated by Costco. It is surprisingly hard to track down information about the Costco craft beer cruise, often with conflicting details, and it isn't exactly clear what Costco's role in certain craft beer cruises is anyway. Below we sort this out as best as we can. Read more [...]
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