All posts tagged lifestyle freedom ship
Freedom Ship: What Would Life be Like on the Biggest Ship of All Time?
We recently wrote an article introducing our readers to Freedom Ship, the biggest ship of all time (if it's ever built). We explained the basic plan and aim of the Freedom Ship endeavor, which boiled down to this: the goal isn't so much to build the biggest ship ever (in part because Freedom Ship isn't a traditional ship at all) as it is to create a "city at sea," a community of workers, vacationers, and retirees that float around the world's oceans. Although it is not clear if Freedom Ship will ever be built, it's a fascinating concept, and after writing an introduction to the project, we couldn't help but dig a little deeper. Based on the claims of the project's promotional material, we thought it would be interesting to imagine what life on board Freedom Ship would be like. What is it like to live in a city at sea, one with no tie to fixed earth? Read more [...]