All posts tagged Medical Cruises

Medical Cruise Conferences: How to Find a Medical Conference on a Cruise

As we explained in a recent article about medical cruises, there are fundamentally two different types of medical cruises: there are cruises that focus on medical conferences, and there are cruises that focus on passenger health. In the present article we are concerned only with the former - medical cruise conferences. So, what exactly is a medical cruise conference? As implied, they are conferences that center on medical topics that take place on cruise ships. These cruise conferences are targeted at medical professionals, as opposed to, say, people who happen to have an interest in medicine. Medical cruise conferences are quite common, with about 20 or so leaving various ports around the world every month. What are some different types of medical cruise conferences, and how might you go about booking a medical cruise? Read more [...]

Medical Cruises

What is a medical cruise? There isn't any formal definition of a "medical cruise," so we suppose a medical cruise is just a cruise that involves medicine (or health in general) in one way or another. A cruise can be medical in nature in two ways: a cruise can focus on medical education, offering conferences and meetings about medical topics to professionals, or it can center on patient care, providing passengers some form of medical treatment. There are a fair number of each type of cruise, and both kinds will be covered in their own articles. This article will therefore focus only on the basics of both variety of medical cruises without covering any specific cruise options in depth. Read more [...]
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