The Best Ways to Deal with Seasickness on a Cruise

Dealing with seasickness is, to put it lightly, the worst thing ever. Not only is the feeling itself just terrible, but it’s even worse to think that you’re being forced to not enjoy your vacation because of something as arbitrary as motion sickness. Nausea begone, dang it, we’re trying to have some fun here! How can you really enjoy a five-star meal while gazing upon the ocean if you’re feeling ill the whole time? Well, luckily for those who suffer from this awful condition, there are a few handy ways to help alleviate some of that nausea.

Calm down a bit

The first step to not worrying about seasickness, is, well, to stop worrying. A lot of ships today are actually built in a way such that they won’t trigger nausea quite as easily as you might expect. Firstly, they’re so big that it often doesn’t even feel like you’re on a ship at all. Secondly, most major cruise ships have stabilizers on them that help reduce any type of rocking motion that might end up making your stomach (or inner ear, if we want to be more specific) go a little crazy. By remembering facts like these, you can cut down on your anxiety, another major source of nausea or an upset stomach. If this doesn’t sound convincing enough, though, you may want to look into some other methods.

Use medicine

There’s no shame in treating seasickness with medication, and cruise lines are very aware of this fact. Even if you don’t remember to bring medication with you, a lot of big cruise lines have medicine on-board to help treat the symptoms of seasickness. If you’re concerned ahead of time, though, the best option would be to see a doctor. Doctors can prescribe medicine that may be more appropriate for your specific condition; they can even give you a patch to wear that can help cut down on motion sickness.

Eat right

While we know you probably think we’re crazy to suggest that eating cures nausea, it kinda does. There are some caveats, though. You don’t want to eat too much, and you definitely want to avoid foods that usually make you feel sick. Greasy, spicy, or acidic foods can all upset your stomach, so that’s a no-go. Small snacks are also key, so make sure to bring some to have throughout the day. Oh, and did we mention water? Staying hydrated is just as important as staying well-fed, so focus on that too!

Or, try lots of different things

There are many suggestions for what you can do to cut down on the effects of seasickness. Some work for some people, others don’t. You’ll need to experiment to see what is truly effective for you. Some of the tried-and-true remedies, though, are keeping your eyes on something steady such as the horizon, and avoiding looking down at your phone or a book. Fresh air is also said to help people (it works in cars too; try rolling down the windows!). Standing in the center of the ship is also supposed to cut down on symptoms, as it will move back and forth less than the sides.

While seasickness is super nasty, it’s actually pretty manageable. There are lots of ways to prepare for it, and there’s even more you can do once you’re on the ship. If you’re worried about it, know what to do beforehand and you should be totally fine!

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