All posts tagged enjoy
How To Enjoy Your Cruise Without Adding Unwanted Pounds
Everyone enjoys vacations and many are even willing to go on a diet beforehand just to look fabulous in that new outfit or at the pool. and everyone equally abhors the post-vacation diet that not only marks the end of vacation but also the end of fabulous meals delivered to your table. But you can follow just a few tips while on vacation to not only enjoy your cruise but also to eliminate that pesky post cruise diet.
Water Can Be Magic
We have all heard the health professionals preaching that Read more [...]
How To Make Your Cruise Memorable
Going on any vacation is about getting away from home and your daily grind. You have an array of activities, numerous dining options and exotic ports of call to explore. So why not choose to make the most of your next cruise vacation? Take the opportunity to step completely out of your comfort zone during your next cruise to create some unforgettable memories.
Try New Cuisine
Most cruise ships offer a great variety when it comes to both meal and snack options. And the best part is that the food Read more [...]
Caribbean Cruises – Fun and Sunburn
A relaxing cruise in the Caribbean is the perfect way to enjoy the tropical scenery, the ocean and some much-needed downtime in the sun. But while the rest of your body is enjoying the stress-free wonders of your cruise, your skin is taking notice of your proximity to the equator and the intense sun that is beating down on you. And though most folks now understand the importance of sunscreen, what they don’t understand is how quickly it must be reapplied in a tropical climate. But following a few Read more [...]