All posts tagged Shipwreck on Yangtze River

Yangtze River Shipwreck

Shipwreck on the Yangtze River Likely the Worst in Chinese History

The shipwreck on the Yangtze River is as bad as initially feared. At this point, four days after the Eastern Star sank on a stretch of the river that winds through the Hubei province after encountering severe weather, it is all but impossible that more survivors will be found. Of the 456 passengers who were on board the Eastern Star, which has also been translated as the "Oriental Star," only 14 survived, the same number we reported the day after the shipwreck occurred. Read more [...]
Yangtze River Shipwreck

Hundreds Missing after Shipwreck on Yangtze River in China

A cruise ship sailing down the Yangtze River from Nanjing to Chongqing capsized Monday night after encountering a violent storm consisting of heavy rain, high winds, and potentially a tornado. The Eastern Star or Oriental Star, depending on how the ship's name is translated, was carrying 456 passengers, and now, approximately 43 hours after the vessel first flipped, there are only 14 known survivors. Seven passengers have been confirmed dead, leaving 437 people unaccounted for, most of whom are senior citizens. Read more [...]
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