If you are a Springfield, Oregon business owner searching for a unique business trip for employees and/or clients, why not try a cruise? The cruise business is booming, so you will find plenty of options and themes to choose from for your Springfield, Oregon business trip.
Theme cruises can be based on any activity or interest. This means, cruise lines are open to just about any theme as long as it’s not obscene. There are literally hundreds of theme cruises in existence today and many popular theme cruises are offered on a regular basis on most ships. While no reasonable theme is out of the question, the following list represents only a fraction of the types of theme cruises on the market today, so you are sure to find the perfect business cruise for your Springfield, Oregon business associates.
Meetings/Business Meetings, Art, Epicurean/Food Wine, Broadway/Theater at Sea, Murder Mystery, Solar Eclipse, Holiday, Pearl Harbor, Maya Equinox, Cartoon/Action Figures, Health & Fitness, Gay/Lesbian, Motivational/Self Improvement, Personal Finance, Silver Screen/Hollywood Film Festival, Adventure, Natural History/Ecology, Literary, History/Cultural Heritage, Sports/Olympics, Spiritual/Gospel, Golf, Singles, Latin/Salsa, Couples, Country & Western, Booze Cruises, 50’Sock Hop, Polka/Square Dancing, Christian, Rhythm & Blues, Big Band/Swing, Classical Music/Opera, Contemporary/Dixieland, Jazz, Gambling, Luxury, Glacier, Bridge Tournaments, Family Reunion, Military, and some of the smaller vessels even offer Nude Cruises.
One of the leaders in theme cruises is Crystal Cruises. Not only does Crystal Cruises offer jazz, golf (excellent for business meetings), film festival, health, and food & wine theme cruises, these cruises typically travel to exciting places such as the Caribbean and places like Monte Carlo, London, and Aspen! A typical golf theme cruise aboard the Crystal Serenity will sail from Rome to London, and a transatlantic jazz cruise is not uncommon. Or, how about a Mediterranean food & wine theme cruise? Any opportunity to combine company cruise travel with a wonderful learning experience is a good opportunity!
Cruise West features a variety of food & wine theme cruises and Clipper Cruise Line highlights educational themes and military theme cruises, to name a few. Carnival Cruise Lines is popular for casino theme cruises and Disney Cruise Lines is popular for film festival theme cruises.
Whether you’re interested in spending days or even weeks at sea surrounded by health & fitness types, film buffs or country & western fans, many cruise lines offer set dates for these types of theme cruises, so feel free to book directly through the cruise lines. If you’re interested in creating your own special theme cruise on your own time, most cruise travel specialists can help you through the planning process. You can locate a cruise travel specialists in your area through the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). Cruise Lines International Association lists reputable agencies and agents in your area and beyond as well as information about specific cruise lines and destinations. You can also book a cruise online through the CLIA website as well.
A great place to start your search for theme cruises to help plan your company cruise travel is Cruisemates.com. Cruisemates.com features a lengthy list of cruise lines along with each cruise lines’ list of theme cruises, available dates, and destinations, from A-Z.
You can also contact a cruise travel specialist to help plan your company cruise travel from beginning to end. Visit the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) website to search for a reputable and reliable travel agency to book your company cruise. The official CLIA web address is: www.cruising.org.