The Things Every Cruise Newbie Should Know

What are the things that I need to know before setting off on my first cruise? That’s a question that pretty much every cruise newbie has asked at some point. Cruising is a very unique way of travelling, and it can seem foreign and overwhelming if you’ve never experienced it before. It’s not as complicated as it seems, though. Still, it never hurts to be prepared when going into a new situation. To help with that, here’s a few things that every traveler should know before heading off on their first cruise.

Will there be a dress code?

Packing for a cruise is different from packing for a normal vacation, and the dress code of your ship needs to be taken into account. Should you bring a suit to swap into for dinner? Well, it all depends on which ship you’re travelling on. The easiest way to figure out the dress code of your cruise is to simply google the name of your ship followed by “dress code.” This will generally lead you to a page like this that gives you all the info that you need.

Don’t underestimate the sun

Having fun in the sun is one of the best aspects of a cruise vacation. But take it from us when we say that it’s incredibly important to take the power of the sun seriously. Bring along effective sunglasses, a good hat to block the light from you, and lots of powerful (and waterproof) sunscreen. You don’t want to be laying on the deck of a cruise ship when you realize that you forgot sunscreen at home.

Do your research beforehand

In many ways, cruise vacations are very hands-off. You don’t need to worry about directions, choosing a place to eat, or anything else, really. But if you want to get the most out of your trip, we highly recommend doing some research on where you’re going. This will allow you to know whether you want to explore on your own or pay for guided shore excursions at each port. Researching the ship itself will also clue you in to the best activities and restaurants onboard. That’s very useful on the giant megaships of today.

Remember to relax

Many travelers that are new to cruising will make a point of doing every single activity and spending every waking minute exploring. There’s nothing wrong with that, but keep in mind that cruises are perfect for relaxing. Don’t feel guilty about just laying out on the deck and taking in your surroundings at a slower pace. That’s what cruise ships are made for, and you definitely aren’t wasting time.

At the end of the day, there’s really no right or wrong way to go on a cruise. Make your vacation your own and just appreciate this unique way of exploring the world!

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