Travel and Tourism Training Programs

If you are interested in working on a cruise ship, you should consider enrolling in a travel and tourism training program. Most cruise lines prefer to hire individuals with a background in hospitality or travel and tourism. Travel and tourism training programs come in all shapes and sizes. You can enroll in a program through a vocational school or a community college. You may also enroll in a program through an accredited travel school or university. To get started, you should contact several schools to inquire about their program. According to Mary Fallon Miller’s How to Get a Job With a Cruise Line, you should ask the following questions:

  1. Is the school licensed within the state’s Postsecondary Education Bureau or a recognized accreditation association? If you do not see evidence of accreditation, contact your State Department of Education for further information.
  2. What type of travel industry experience do the instructors have? Are the instructors familiar with the cruise industry?
  3. Do you offer hands-on computer training with airline reservations systems?
  4. How long has your school been in operation? If you are speaking with someone from a college or university, you should ask how about the history of their travel and tourism program.
  5. What type of placement assistance is available through the school?
  6. What type of facilities, equipment, and materials are available?
  7. What is the curriculum? Do you offer courses in all aspects of travel including cruises?

American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) affiliated travel schools offer training in all areas of the travel industry. These schools can be found around the world. If you are interested in a school that is not ASTA affiliated, simply contact your State Board of Education for information.

To locate an ASTA affiliated travel school in your area, contact the American Society of Travel Agents, 1101 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 or PO Box 23992, Washington. Email: [email protected]; Website,

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